Top Ten Ways to Create the Perfect Ambiance for Writers

Reading Time: 6 minutes

This is Cindy’s top ten ways to create the best ambiance for your most productive writing space. Your working environment is an essential part of your personal success. Think about what you prefer as you read these suggestions for creating the best ambiance for your writing environment.

First of all, ambiance is the “character and atmosphere of a place” (Oxford Dictionary). Other words to describe ambiance are atmosphere, climate, feel, look, setting, background, backdrop, environment, conditions, and vibe. Ambiance is the mood you set. It is a personal preference. It is what causes you to be the most creative, the most inspired, and the most prolific. Setting up your workspace is one of the most important aspects of writing. If you cannot think in your space because of clutter you will not be productive. Ambiance is one of the main keys to achieving your goal of being a published author, and ultimately to make money with your book.

Here are the top ten things to consider when you create your perfect ambiance for writing.

  1. Auditory. The sounds you hear can draw your attention away from your writing. For example, I like it quite when I write. I need to hear what’s going on in my own head. If I listen to music with words, I catch myself tuning into the words. Think about what you want your environment to sound like. Do you prefer to work with music or do you need silence? What about background noises? May I suggest listening to Baroque music? You can find some on
  2. Enhancers. Enhancers include the odors you smell. What do you want your space to smell like? Dirty sock smells are not my thing! I would not be able to concentrate. Do you need an air purifier? Have you ever used aromatherapy? Essential oils are a great way to decrease stress and increase focus and concentration.
  3. Lighting. You need to be able to see what you are doing when you write. However, you do not need a bright light or do you prefer to work with bright lights on? Are you ok with lower lighting? Do you work best with a desk lamp? What about overhead lights? Or do you have problems with artificial light and prefer direct sunlight? The important thing is to experiment with the lighting in your space. Figure out what works best for your eyes and which lighting will help you work the longest.
  4. Location. Where will you work? Do you prefer an office? Do you like working at your kitchen table? Do you prefer to work outside? Both of these spaces are good. Both have the same things to take into consideration where the ambiance is concerned. In location, you will have to set a plan to minimize distractions.
  5. Nourishment. This is not exactly part of the ambiance, but it is equally important that you keep yourself nourished and hydrated with healthy snacks and beverages. We writers can often get ‘caught up’ in our project and forget about everything but what we are focused on. If you set your space up to include an apple and a bottle of water you’re good to go.
  6. Space. Do you need your desk clean or cluttered? Do you prefer to have stuff around you? Or do you prefer a clean, modern, and uncluttered space? Having ‘eye clutter’ can be distracting for most. However, if you have ADHD like some do, it is hard to keep a desk space uncluttered. There are ways to help with the clutter if you need it to learn what you need to know about setting your best workspace.
  7. Temperature. I know this sounds a little silly, but if you are cold and shivering you will not be able to concentrate on anything else but getting warm. Forget trying to write. If you are so hot that beads of sweat are running down your arms and fingers you will not be able to keep your fingers from sliding off the keyboard. Extreme conditions to consider, but if you plan to write in your basement you need to remember the temperature will play a role in your success. Do you prefer it cooler or warmer? What is the ‘just right’ temperature for you?
  8. Time. Do you rise and shine full of pep when the sun comes up or even before? Are your peak performance hours in the early morning hours? Then that is when you need to try to schedule your writing time. If you are a night owl like me and oh so many others, your peak performance is between 10 pm and 2 am. You figure out what your peak time is and then do what you have to do to write when you are at your best.
  9. Writing Tools. What writing tools will you have in your space? An antique typewriter? A modern PC or a laptop? Your writing tool is one of the most important things in your creative writing space. Learn to use whichever tool you are going to use to the best of your ability. What you don’t know, take the time to learn.
  10. Interruptions. Creating an interruption-free zone in your writing workspace is perhaps one of the most important parts of the entire process. What good does it do to get your munchies all set up, your lights just right, the background sounds going, the aroma set to perfection, and the temperature set just right for you if you are going to be distracted and interrupted? The majority of writers do not function at their best when they are in the middle of a writing project, get interrupted, and then have to refocus. I have a hard time trying to figure out where they were I was. Plan ways to minimize interruptions.

These ten ways to create the perfect ambiance for your workspace will help you be the best writer possible. If you take the time to think about what works best for you-you give yourself every chance you can to succeed. The more you learn about what makes you comfortable and productive the more successful you will become!

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