How to Start a Blog – A Complete Checklist by Cindy Hyde

Reading Time: 2 minutes

I wanted to start a new blog. I have been blogging for years, but never seriously. I have an idea for over 1,000 blog topics, which will take me FOREVER! As I thought about blogging I wanted to make sure I did everything I could to make the blog successful. I am sharing my list with you below. If you would like to know more about any of the steps, as a seasoned blogger and a Virtual Assistant I am at your service.

This list is as complete as it can be. The things that need to be done are in order, or at least the order in which they make sense to me.

  1. Plan Blog Topic
  2. Research
  3. Outline
  4. References & Citations 
  5. Check Facts
  6. Compelling Title (Include Keywords, 40-65 Characters)
  7. Summary (Top of Blog Post for Quick Overview)
  8. Image(s) with Image Alt Tags
  9. Insert Auto Player for Podcast of Blog
  10. Introduction – A Strong Lead
  11. Definition
  12. Scriptures with External Links
  13. Quote
  14. Sub-Headers
  15. Text 3-6 Paragraphs 
  16. Use White Space
  17. Bullet Point or Numbered Lists 
  18. Internal Links to other blogs or pages on your website
  19. External Links to another website
  20. Conclusion
  21. Author Bio with Image and Alt Text and Links
  22. Blog Disclaimer(s)
  23. Call to Action
  24. RSS Feed
  25. Opt-in Form
  27. Social Media Sharing Options
  28. Categories and Tags
  29. Search Engine Optimization 
  30. Web Page Title
  31. Meta Description
  32. Heading (h1, h2 etc)
  33. URL Structure
  34. Edit and Proof – Get Friend to Read
  35. Check blog display on browsers and mobiles
  36. Share on Social Media
  37. Record your Blog as a Podcast and Share both
  38. Use your Blog for the Podcast Description
  39. Check on your Blog
  40. Respond to Comments
  41. Share on Social Media Weekly

If you find more steps to creating a successful blog I would love to hear from you! I know you have probably found some or used some that are helpful. Thank you for reading my checklist.

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